We foster effective, long-lasting development initiatives upon which local communities can build.

Who We Are?

Our Mission

We provide humanitarian assistance and development program to vulnerable rural communities in Somaliland, promoting: Dignity. Equality. Wellbeing. Self-sufficiency.

Our Vision

To serve with love, compassion, empathy, and kindness, making a positive impact in the lives of others.

Our Approach

WRO’s approach revolves around empowerment and sustainability. We ensure that the communities we assist become self-reliant.

Core Values

  1. Faithfulness: Grounded in love, we serve with compassion and integrity.
  2. Compassion: We demonstrate love by caring for the vulnerable, marginalized, and oppressed.
  3. Stewardship: We responsibly manage resources, talents, and relationships to maximize impact.
  4. Partnership: We collaborate with others to amplify our impact and honor our shared humanity.
  5. Justice: We advocate for fairness, equality, justice, and human rights.
  6. Sustainability: We prioritize long-term solutions, empowering communities to thrive beyond our involvement.
  7. Humility: We recognize our limitations, listening and learning from those we serve.
  8. Accountability: We transparently report our actions, outcomes, and finances, honoring the trust placed in us.
  9. Respect: We value diversity, dignity, and worth of every person.
  10. Hope: We bring hope and joy, sharing the promise of a brighter future through our work.

Aim and Objectives

Our Partners